易 取周而复始,无限向上之意,喻设计职业, 创新、求变之事。 Means moving in circles,making progress boundlessly,with the intention that our designing occupation will always innovative and creative. 墨 取笔墨丹青之意,喻设计职业,文化 艺术之态。 Means great painting and calligraphy.It embodies that Our designing occupation is elegant and in good taste. 易墨 透过文化与艺术的视角,不断用创新、求变的原创思维创造既在精神上又在生活中有生命有温度的设计形态。竭力塑造和完善人们活中仍然需要塑造和完善的部分是易墨建筑设计事务所回馈社会,服务大众的最高理想。 From the perspective of culture and arts, with constant innovation .Our design aims to create change is not only in spirit but also in life.The ideal is to perfect our clients’ life.In this way, we can achieve our purpose of serving the public and rewarding the society. |